It is so easy to always look around and complain about what you do not have instead of being grateful for what you do have. Over this past month we had the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with our fellow Canadians here in Cambodia. We were blessed to have two very tasty dinners that included turkey and all the trimmings. As our family closes in on our 3-month mark of being here in Cambodia, we cannot help but be reminded of how blessed and thankful we are for all that we have. We are here as a family and have a great team to support us here. In addition, we are continually reminded of those back home who support us with prayer, finances and words of encouragement. Our recent visit to Siem Reap 2 weeks ago gave us a lot to think about. Seeing the ministry once again made everything a bit more “real” as if it was not real enough already being here in Cambodia. It is daunting to think about what awaits us in Siem Reap when we move there next summer. We once again saw our God’s goodness as we witnessed the Siem Reap Vietnamese Ministry take another step forward when they finalized details on the rental of a new facility. Our visit also allowed us to sit in on an adult cell group meeting in the village. As we met this group and the group of students being tutored, we were once again reminded of how blessed we are. Our visit to Siem Reap also included a trip to the famous sites of Angkor Wat and its surrounding temples. Since it was still Pchum Ben (more information here…/events-in-c…/pchum-ben.htm), we saw many people making offerings at the temples. It is heartbreaking to see so many people place their faith and hope in other things rather than Jesus Christ. It also provided a good opportunity to remind ourselves and the kids of why we moved halfway across the world to come to Cambodia. Please pray for us in the coming weeks:
- We will be doing our Level 1 oral assessment this week. Please pray as we hope to finish 5 levels of Khmer language studies in Phnom Penh before we move to Siem Reap next summer.
- We also ask for your prayers as we continue to connect with supporters to meet some of our financial needs such as our Vehicle Fund and our Approved Special Fund.
Thank you for continuing to journey with us!

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