““I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 1:3-6
As we pass our one year mark here in Cambodia and think back upon this last year, our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness. We are so encouraged as we think about all the people who have journeyed with us and supported us through prayers, letters and finances. We’ve been blessed to receive encouragements and prayers from so many different people over the last twelve months. Many people who we have never personally met have come aboard to be our most committed prayer warriors. Our hearts are probably most overjoyed when our kids have been unexpectedly loved upon this year by people from all different parts of the world, including various teams who have travelled here on short term trips and intentionally loved our kids for the 10 days that they were here. From the bottom of all 5 of our hearts, we say THANK YOU for your partnership in sharing Christ to the people of Cambodia.
We have now been in Siem Reap for 6 weeks and have 3 whole weeks of ministry experience at Samaki Church. It’s hard to believe it has only been 3 weeks as it has been a whirlwind of activities. We had 3 short term teams come lead Language Exchange camps and we also officially began our ministry at Samaki Church. We are still struggling with learning everyone’s names but are very grateful that in Vietnamese/Khmer it is 100% appropriate to just call everyone uncle/auntie or brother/sister. Our language skills are being put to the test daily as we put our Khmer and Vietnamese language skills to use. Dave has had to translate testimonies and sermons into Vietnamese and preached in Vietnamese for the first time ever this past week. This coming week Joyce will take her turn to teach a lesson in Khmer/English. Please pray for us and our teammates as we continue to communicate in languages that are truly stretching our brains to the limits
Tomorrow, our kids will start school at a new school here in Siem Reap. They are still going to Hope International School but now are attending the Siem Reap Campus instead of Phnom Penh Campus. Siem Reap is a much smaller campus with fewer kids, which will be a big adjustment for our children. Please pray for God’s protection upon them as they will be taking a tuk-tuk by themselves to and from school this year. They are very nervous about this. To be honest, Joyce and I are nervous too 🙂
These next few weeks/months of ministry for our Siem Reap Vietnamese Ministry team will involve a lot of figuring out how we will be doing discipleship, leadership training and community development in the year(s) to come. Please pray for our team as we seek God’s guidance in any changes that we may make. Pray for us to be sensitive to the needs of those we serve and humble enough to admit when we do not know the answers.
Thanks again for journeying with us!
Dave, Joyce, Jadon, Elisabeth & Josiah.

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