Matthew 9:37-38
37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Happy Lunar New Year everyone!
We had the privilege to spend Christmas and New Year’s with our families in the Vancouver area as well as visit some supporting churches. As usual, there was too much food consumption and many late nights for the kids as they hung out with their cousins and played games. It was a good time. Joyce was even able to attend a dear friend’s wedding. What precious times!

One of our many Prayer Warrior churches. Thank You!!!
One of the most asked questions during our visit was, “how can we support you and your ministry?” We have said it before but will say it again, it really does mean a lot to us when we receive a quick message from churches, fellowships, or individuals. That note, telling us that we are being prayed for or thought of, is a huge source of encouragement. During this visit to Vancouver, one conversation that stood out in particular was when we visited with one pastor’s wife. We were so moved to hear that their prayer meeting that moved online because of covid, is now attended by at least 100 prayer warriors each week! They start each prayer meeting with a missions focus, praying for International workers, their families and ministries, and then they move on to local and church family items. It was immensely encouraging to hear that there is a culture of corporate prayer that is thriving, and that praying for missions is a priority and a habit.
During our home assignment these last 6 months we have been deeply encouraged to hear of churches that are faithfully praying for global missions. We are equally as encouraged by a number of churches who have asked us for ideas on how they can motivate more prayer for missions in their churches. Hooray!!!
Our hope and prayer is that these are not isolated occurrences but that many individuals and churches are part of a prayer movement. Will you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your times of prayer? Will you obediently pray for those who do not know Jesus yet? Will you be a prayer warrior for all those who have yet to hear about Jesus? Will you be a part of God’s Mission by praying fervently for _(fill in the blank yourself)_.

100 Year Celebration in Cambodia.
We do want to ask for a few prayer requests from you, our prayer warriors. January 25-28 there will be a celebration of 100 years of the C&MA and the Evangelical church in Cambodia. We are excited to be able to make a short trip back to Cambodia to attend this celebration and rejoice together with the local believers. We also hope that this will be a launching point towards a great revival in Cambodia. Please pray for the team as they organize not just our own C&MA event, but also a larger joint evangelical event with the many other churches/organizations in Cambodia. Pray that many will come to faith during these few days. Pray that Christ is glorified and all things point to Jesus. Pray for our 3 children who will stay back in Ottawa with some friends for the 10 days total that we will be away. Pray for safety and health for us during our travels and time in Cambodia.
We also ask that you continue to pray for the leaders of the Hope Vietnamese Alliance Churches in Cambodia. They have just elected a new committee that will help to guide the churches forward in the coming years.
David, Joyce, Jadon, Elisabeth and Josiah.

Praying for the new Hope Church Committee elected at the January 14th annual conference.
- Prayer Requests
Pray for our travels January 21-31, 2023 as we visit Cambodia for the 100th Anniversary celebrations.
Pray for our Canadian CMA team as we have strategic meetings during our time in Cambodia.
Pray for our children as they spend the 10 days witih family friends while we are away.
Pray for the newly elected Hope Church Committee as they give leadership to the various Vietnamese Alliance churches in Cambodia.
Pray for the organizers of the 100th anniversary celebration events.
Pray for us to have wisdom and discernment as we fill up our calendar for the next 5 months we have left in Canada.
- Prayer Requests

We have new prayer cards and prayer magnets. If you would like to receive one and your church doesn’t have them already, please get in touch with us and we will make sure you get one.
Joshua Project – Vietnamese in Cambodia:
Nguyens in Cambodia Facebook:
Nguyens in Cambodia Website:
C&MA Global Ministry Website:
C&MA Bio Page:

Upcoming Dates
Jan 21 – Travel to Cambodia to attend 100th Anniversary Celebrations
Jan 21-23 – Elisabeth attending Bedlam Jr High retreat.
Jan 31 – Return flight to Ottawa from Cambodia
Feb 12 – Speaking at Ottawa Agape Chinese Alliance Church
Feb 28 – Speaking at Ottawa Vietnamese Alliance Church
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