Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord, “and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Wow! The last few months have truly been a whirlwind for our family here in Phnom Penh. We’re glad to bring you another update this month via video. So please click below to watch and catch up on what has been happening with our family and ministry. Also, please don’t forget our prayer requests down below at the bottom.
Oh! and we totally forgot to mention in the video but please pray for us on Dec 11th as we are having a joint outdoor baptism service with all the Hope Vietnamese churches. We are anticipating over 20 people getting baptized. Pray for the weather to cooperate as the area is still experiencing high flood waters this month.
Here are some of the links that we talked about in the video plus a few others:
Joshua Project – Vietnamese in Cambodia: https://
Nguyens in Cambodia Facebook:
Nguyens in Cambodia Website:
C&MA Global Ministry Website: https://www.cmacan.
C&MA Bio Page: https://

Visiting Pastor Vinh and his family at Saigon 2 Church.

Mekong Church first in-person Sunday service in a long time.

Saigon 1 Church first in-person Sunday Service.

- First off, we praise God for his protection upon our family. Many that we know of here have contracted COVID or mosquito born diseases such as Dengue Fever and Chikungunya but our family has been healthy.
- Pray for all those who are in the process of attaining legal documented status in Cambodia.
- Pray for all the churches as they have started meeting again for in-person worship services. Pray for the leaders as they care for many who have fallen away over these past 18 months.
- Pray for God to raise up more leaders, especially the younger generation in the churches.
- Pray for the pastors to be able to identify those who can support them in their ministries.
- Pray for New Hope Schools which started in-person classes again last week. Many student were not able to keep up with the online learning and thus have fallen behind.
- Pray for the upcoming baptism service on December 11th.
- Pray for all the churches as they prepare for their Christmas outreach programs.
- Pray for us as we discern how to divide our time between all the churches and leaders.
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