1 John 5:14
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”

Damien, Darlene, and Darren - Thanks for visiting our team in Cambodia
Leadership Matters!!! For the past little while my (Dave) Facebook feed has been filling up with stuff about leadership. This subject has been on our minds for a while, especially as we think about the local leaders here in Cambodia. One of the main focuses of our role here in Cambodia is leadership development. In this newsletter, we want to draw your attention to pray for our leaders. Leadership matters and we believe that through godly leaders, filled with the Holy Spirit and equipped to serve, we will see many Vietnamese in Cambodia reached.
These last few months we have seen many of our local leaders face challenges in their own family lives and in their ministry. One of our leaders had make a quick decision to travel out of country in order to care for their ailing parents while another couldn’t travel at all to care for their mother despite all their efforts to do so. Every one of our leader’s families were affected by the spike in COVID19 during the Lunar New Year celebrations. We praise God that after the spike, we have seen things settle down in Cambodia over this past month. Another one of our young leaders lost their first baby at full term which has impacted our community of faith here. Please lift these brothers and sisters up in prayer as we see over and over that our battle is not against flesh and blood but rather a spiritual battle.

Leader's Retreat in April
We praise God that in April, we were able to have a retreat for our Vietnamese church leaders. We tried some new things with hopes of pouring into these individuals and are so encouraged to hear many positive testimonies coming out of this retreat. We truly experienced a sense of unity despite the leaders coming from different churches and different cities. Through times of connecting with God and connecting with one another, leaders young and old were able to have fellowship and encourage one another. It was amazing to see everyone fully participate in some of the whacky team building games that were played.
Please pray for God to continue to work in the lives of these leaders, to draw them closer to Him as they lead the various Vietnamese communities of faith in Cambodia. Pray for an openness to fresh things that God is wanting to do in their own lives as well as the life of the churches.

Wacky team building games!
This past week, the KEC (Khmer Evangelical Church – AKA the Cambodian Alliance Church) had their regional conference in Phnom Penh. We are encouraged that a couple of our Vietnamese pastors were able to attend and fellowship with many Khmer pastors and leaders. Please pray for the KEC leaders as they live out the theme “One Church, One Mission”. We are excited to see leaders coming together, striving to live out God’s mission of making disciples here in Cambodia.

Praying for the new KEC SW Regional Committee
Last but not least, pray for a two of our pastors here who have just taken the first step to begin their ordination process. This is something that we have been praying about and we want to be lifting up these two men, Diep and Trong, as they begin this journey. Pray that we can continue to encourage and mentor these two pastors and affirm their calling. We are also working to update the Hope Church’s ordination processes so please pray for our ordination committee as we review the entire ordination process over these next months.

Hope Church Committee Meeting with visiting team members
Some of you know that we got into a motorcycle accident about 6 weeks ago. We are thankful to God that it wasn’t worse than it was. We came away with some scratches, bumps and bruises and Dave fractured 2 ribs. We are just about back to 100% and want to thank you for all your prayers and concerns.

Saigon 2 Church youth group celebration

Saigon 2 Church youth group celebration
In 30 days we will get on a plane to head back to Canada for our 1-year home assignment. This is yet another transition for our kids so we especially ask for prayer for them. We are grateful for friends who are helping us to sort out all our household needs. We are still praying that God leads us to find the perfect vehicle for our family to use during our 1 year home assignment. We still have plenty to do here before we leave so we also ask for your prayers for us to finish well and for the packing up process to go well.
David, Joyce, Jadon, Elisabeth and Josiah

- Praise God for a wonderful leader’s retreat in April. Pray that the movement of the Spirit continues to burn within those who attended.
- Pray for the leaders of the local churches. Pray for God’s protection upon them and their families.
- Pray for God to bring revival into the Vietnamese communities of faith in Cambodia.
- Pray Diep and Trong who are beginning their ordination process.
- Pray for us to be able to wrap up things and finish well in our last month.
- Pray for all the packing up as we prayer to put stuff into storage and pack our bags to go back to Canada.
- Pray for children in this time of transition as they say “see you later” to friends and a country they have called home for the last 4 years.
Joshua Project – Vietnamese in Cambodia: https://
Nguyens in Cambodia Facebook: www.facebook.com/djnguyen.ca
Nguyens in Cambodia Website: www.djnguyen.ca
C&MA Global Ministry Website: https://www.cmacan.
C&MA Bio Page: https://
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