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Matthew 28:19-20

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Connected with some Canadians with Cambodian ties while in Edmonton attending General Assembly. You may recognize some of these folks.

Greetings!  We have been back in Canada for about 1 month now.  It has been a whirlwind tour.  The kids finished school June 10 in Phnom Penh.  We packed everything up and moved all our things into storage and then flew back to Ottawa June 17.  Our friends graciously hosted us while we gathered our belongings from storage to move back into our house.  We also were blessed by our OCAC family with borrowed and gifted furniture and items we need for this year in Canada.  God is so good!  That was the first two weeks back on Canadian soil.  We were able to join in on Canada Day celebrations and then our travels out west began.  The first week of July, Dave and I joined the Canadian Chinese Alliance Church Association conference as well as our C&MA General Assembly in Edmonton.  It was a good time of fellowship and reconnecting with friends and co-labourers for Christ and hearing their God stories.  We were also blessed to be able to briefly share at Edmonton Vietnamese Alliance Church.

Thank you Edmonton Vietnamese Alliance Church for spontaneously giving us some time to share about our ministry in your English service.

We then had some time in Alberta to spend with Dave’s family as his brother lives in Edmonton.  Dave’s parents and sister’s family flew in from BC to watch our kids for us when we attended the CCACA and GA conferences.  Our kids had some great cousin time!  Our kids saw the Canadian Rocky Mountains and watched chuck wagon races for the first time.  Dave and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary as well.  We soaked in the vast Albertan scenery as we drove through to different places.  God’s creation is so beautiful!  Although, we weren’t used to it still being so bright out at 10 pm…it felt like it was early evening or late afternoon!

First time I (Dave) have visited Lake Louise in my42 years in Canada.  Wow! Look at those beautiful mountains!

Currently, we are in BC to visit more family and connect with supporting churches out here on the West Coast.  We are thankful for a slower few days to rest and catch up on laundry.  So, when people ask if we are excited to be home, we are still unsure how to answer as we haven’t really settled into our home yet.  We will be back in Ottawa mid-August after our Home Ministry Retreat in Calgary, where we will gather with all the other International Workers who are also on home assignment this year for reentry instructions and processes.   Overall, the transition has been good so far. 
We are excited to share about what God has been doing in Cambodia and how He has stretched and grown our family through the last four years.  We are thankful that our children have been patient and easy going through all the transitions. 

Joyce totally no impressed with our airport travel adventures so far in Canada.  Please pray for our travels as we have a few more flights this summer before we make it back home to Ottawa in August.

Please pray for us to stay healthy through the rest of our travels and connections with everyone.  Pray that as we share about God’s work in Cambodia, that listeners will have a growing desire to be a part of God’s missional work.  Also, pray for the people and ministries that we left behind in Cambodia.  The leaders we were working with are all feeling tired and discouraged.  Pray that they will lean into God’s strength and encouragement.  Pray that they will continue to trust in God and not in man-made designs.  Pray that God will surprise everyone and raise up new leaders and empower the existent leaders to thrive in sharing the Gospel of Jesus to the unreached Vietnamese diaspora in the furthest reaches of Cambodia.
Thank you to all of you who have faithfully journeyed with us to the other side of the ocean and back!  We are eager and longing to see what God has in store for us this year.

Dave, Joyce, Jadon, Elisabeth and Josiah

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for our family as we continue with our speaking engagements and travels over the next month
  • Pray for the Vietnamese leaders in Cambodia to be spirit empowered as they lead the churches
  • Pray for Cambodia as the cases of Covid have been rising recently
  • Pray for our Canadian C&MA as we have had many changes in our national leadership with a new president of the C&MA and a new vice president of international ministries

Joshua Project – Vietnamese in Cambodia: 
Nguyens in Cambodia Facebook:
Nguyens in Cambodia Website:
C&MA Global Ministry Website:
C&MA Bio Page:

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