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Matthew 28:19-20

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


It’s hard to believe that we are already into October. If we didn’t feel the cold of Canada on the first day back a few months ago, our family is certainly feeling the colder weather this week.  We finally caved this past week and turned on the heat for a few days. 
These last few months have been busy with travels that took our family around Alberta, BC and then finally back to Ottawa, which is where we are calling “home” this year.  We learned a new term while in Alberta when some kids came up and called us “fridge people”. We happily were told that it was not a reference to any weight gain but rather we are the people that have been hanging on their fridges for the past 4 years.  We have been so encouraged to hear time and time again how people have been praying for us and our ministries. And we just want to say that we have experienced the power of all your prayers for our family. Thank you!!!

Sharing at Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church – Mandarin Service

The summer saw us having many opportunities to connect with many individuals and churches out in Western Canada and now as we approach the fall season, it’s full swing missions conference season for our churches here in Ontario.  We have been so blessed to catch up with family, friends, supporters and churches these last few months. In these upcoming months, we are excited to be sharing with many different cell groups, fellowships and congregations. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of what stories we have already told, so we are certain that we will end up retelling a story or two here and there. Pray for us as we share with the different churches not only about our ministry but about God’s desire to reach the nations through His redeemed people.

We had the opportunity to share at the Cambodia Evangelical Fellowship in Ottawa. It was great to be able to speak a bit of Khmer again and we were even extra blessed when someone dropped off some Khmer food because they heard our kids missed the food in Cambodia.

Cambodian Evangelical Fellowship in Ottawa, ON

We are trying to stay connected with the work in Cambodia from afar.  With the recent Pchum Ben holiday in Cambodia we are reminded how much of the country is still influenced by its Buddhist heritage. Pray for the light of Jesus to break through in Cambodia. Please continue to pray for the Vietnamese church leaders. Pray for our two pastors who are going through the ordination process. Pray also for our youth as they are planning for a joint inter-church youth retreat in November.  Pray that it will be a great time of mutual encouragement and connecting deeper to God. Please also continue to pray for safety and health as the rainy season has been one of the worse in recent years. There are a lot of flooded areas. Pastor Trong recently sent a video of his family taking the boat out from the front steps of the church. Praise God that the children are still trekking their way through the flooded areas to attend classes and learn about God.

With the children back in school, Joyce and I are getting into our new Home Assignment rhythms of life too. We just completed week 3 of the Kairos course and are excited about how it has continued to expand our understanding of God’s mission.  We praise God that Joyce has been able to find a very qualified tutor who has agreed to be her Vietnamese tutor during our year in Canada.  We also praise God that the children have all adjusted well and pray that they will really engage into this year in Canada and not only see it as a gap year before heading back to Cambodia next July.
If you or your churches are interested in hearing more about our ministry while we are back in Canada, please feel free to reach out to us.  We are always excited to share about what God is doing in Cambodia.

Dave, Joyce, Jadon, Elisabeth and Josiah.

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for us as we share with individuals, fellowships and churches over the next few months.
  • Pray that the light of Jesus Christ will penetrate greatly into Cambodia.
  • Pray for the leaders of the Vietnamese Churches in Cambodia.
  • Pray for Pastor Trong and Pastor Diep who are working on their ordination.
  • Pray for the youth who have an inter-church youth retreat in November.
  • Pray for the safety and health of all those in Cambodia during this extra wet rainy season
  • Pray for our children Jadon, Elisabeth and Josiah, that they will continue to adjust well into life back in Canada. 

Joshua Project – Vietnamese in Cambodia: 
Nguyens in Cambodia Facebook:
Nguyens in Cambodia Website:
C&MA Global Ministry Website:
C&MA Bio Page:

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